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Trilogy Projects
Trilogy Projects
Hi there!
With over 40 years of combined experience in the construction industry, we have seen the importance that mental health plays when you’re on the tools.
With this in mind, we have decided to put our Trilogy Projects teamwork and fitness to the test for a great cause!
Matt, Pete and Michael will be competing in the Silver Sands Triathlon on the 14th of February 2020. Working as a team, Michael will be completing a 750m open water swim, followed by Pete on his bicycle clocking up 20km with Matt bringing the team over the line with a 5km run!
We appreciate all contributions big or small and encourage other trades to get in on the action and raise money for a great cause while getting fit and working as a team!
You can follow our progress using the hashtag #TrilogyTriathlon on Facebook and Instagram @TrilogyProjects
We look forward to you following our journey and seeing us out there on the day!
Thank you for your support!
MATES in Construction SA Ltd
On average, 190 Australians working in the construction industry take their own lives each year – this means we lose someone every second day to suicide. Younger construction workers are even more at risk and are nearly three times as likely to take their own lives than other young Australians. MATES in Construction is an independent charity that exists to address this problem. As a suicide prevention program dedicated to the construction industry, we help by creating a community of people who look out for each other and know how to offer support. Our integrated program consists of training and ongoing support, including a 24/7 help line and case managers to help those at risk. We all know someone in the construction industry, so let’s work together to make a difference.
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