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Sarah Ryan
Sarah Ryan
I've decided to raise money for a cause very close to my heart, mental health support and early intervention. Headspace is an amazing organisation which caters for all aspects of both mental health and overall wellbeing for young people and have aided many people including myself.
During a very vulnerable period in my life a teacher introduced me to rugby, when I felt particularly isolated I found a group of people who didn't mind that I wasn't fast or agile or even knew how to play. They accepted me for who I was and were incredibly patient while teaching me how to play. Rugby gave me a place to show up and be myself, introduced me to some amazing people who were always there for me and let me feel like I belonged somewhere. Over the last 5 years I have continued playing and while I don't always enjoy the fitness or the hard hits and am almost constantly wondering why I keep playing I show up every week for training and games and am surrounded by amazing people. Everyone that I have played with, trained with and been coached by has been there for me and by doing this I am hoping we can raise money to help others.
So on the 22nd of May I am going to shave my head in hopes to raise more money for this worthwhile cause.
headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug services.
Information and services for young people, their families and friends as well as health professionals can be accessed through this website, headspace centres, online counselling service eheadspace, the Digital Work and Study Service and postvention suicide support program headspace School Support.
All funds raised will go towards the national work of headspace, if you are looking to support your local headspace centre you will need to reach out to them directly.
For more information visit headspace.org.au
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