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Luke Knight
Luke Knight
Hi there!
I'm making a difference and running for a cause that's close to my heart. I’d appreciate any contribution, big or small.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to Fusion, Fusion houses homeless youth ever since 1970
Thanks so much for your support!

FUSION COMMUNITY CARE (Fusion Australia Ltd)
We are, at our heart, a group of passionate people who care about seeing real change in the world.
Fusion Australia is a not-for-profit Christian Youth and Community organisation who have a deep and ongoing commitment to developing resilience in individual lives. But we also believe that young lives need a strong community around them, so we work alongside passionate people and networks from all over Australia in a variety of national and locally focussed projects.
Since Fusion first started 60 years ago, we have worked tirelessly to bring young people and their communities together with hope, determination and permission to make change.
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