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Lane McNeill
Lane McNeill
Kawasaki disease (KD) is an illness that primarily affects young children. It presents as a virus or syndrome that results in a high fever and because of this is commonly mistaken for a common virus.
If not treated with specialised steroid and gammaglobulinemia treatment, it results in inflammation of the arteries that supply blood to the heart, which can result in an aneurysm (an abnormal swelling in the wall of an artery) that can cause very serious and fatal heart problems in the future. This occurs in about a quarter of patients if they do not receive treatment within 5 days of the original fever presenting itself.
The KD foundation Australia needs our help to raise funds for more research as there is still so much unknown about Kawasaki Disease and what causes it, as well as if it has something to do with genetics.
The KD Foundation is also trying to raise awareness in our communities about the disease. It is a rare disease, yet it affects many children each year with numbers growing in Australia and many children going undiagnosed until serious heart condition occurs later in life.
My niece has been affected, developing KD at 8 months old. She has now been left with 2 giant aneurysms and will have to take blood thinning medication every day for the rest for her life as well as constant check ups and echograms to continue to monitor her heart health.
To raise funds and awareness to the KD foundation Australia and in support of my niece Chloe, I have decided to hike the bibbulmun track. The 1,003 km hike starts in Kalamunda and finishes in Albany.
I will be camping on the track and hope to complete it within 6-8 weeks.
With many challenges ahead I hope you will support me by donating to a not so well known but very worthy cause.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.
Thanks so much for your support!
Kawasaki Disease Foundation Australia Inc.
Kawasaki Disease is a serious illness primarily affecting young children. It is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children. Children may develop serious complications affecting the coronary arteries and aneurysms may develop. These are potentially the most serious complication and may lead to long term problems and can be fatal. The number of children affected is growing each year.
Kawasaki Disease Foundation Australia is a non-profit, national, all volunteer, parent-led charity dedicated to advancing Kawasaki Disease issues.
We provide education, information and support to families affected by Kawasaki Disease as well as assisting professionals who provide services to families affected by Kawasaki Disease.
We also raise funds for and participate in research studies into this mysterious disease.
The Foundation strives to educate the wider community about Kawasaki Disease in order to assist with early diagnosis and treatment.
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