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Joshua Rogers

Joshua Rogers

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Joshua Rogers



My name is Joshua, I am a 24 year old carpenter from seaford and the reason for my fundraiser are as follows.

In october 2018 me, my girlfriend and 2 friends of mine decided to go to Australia to travel for 2 years and see a different side of the world. I knew it would be great because my mum had lived there for around 7 maybe 8 years at that point. It was a great time in life, meeting some amazing people having a wicked job which paid well and never really seeing rain! It was also amazing to see my mum as I never really saw after I left school because being a self employed carpenter you work all the time its crazy! Anyway my mum was on the lung transplant list for around 2 years I think by the time I got to Australia and while I was there we did get a call from the Alfred hospital to say there where a pair of lungs waiting for her. This was around 10 maybe 11pm at night. So me and my girlfriend decided to drive to the hospital and be with my mum which was a 3 1/2 hour drive and yes I did acutally get a speeding ticket! Anyway.. we got to the hospital and we where waiting with my mum in a hospital bed and I remeber my mum being very excited to be able to run and she was excited to go to a gym! She said Josh did you want to do a a marathon with me and straight away I said yeah why not and in my head I thought ermmm I am not sure I can run a marathon I can barely get to the fridge lol! But I saw how excited my mum was to give it a go so I would have been there with her. Unfortunately my mum didnt make it through the surgery and I never did get to run that marathon with her so I have decided in my mums hornor to walk 50 plus miles along the coast road of england in east sussex where my mum lived a portion of her life.

If you would like to donate please do as it will help the place my mum got most of her help in Australia. I know not everyone can donate so if you cant thats fine too but a kind or positive message costs nothing and if you can leave a message as it will help me complete this challenge.

Thank you for reading and I hope 

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Thanks so much for your support!

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The Alfred

Your support of The Alfred helps the hospital in various ways - by supporting vital medical research, helping purchase equipment items and helping to maintain and redevelop critical Alfred services.

The Alfred Foundation is grateful for the many achievements that have been made possible thanks to the overwhelming support of our community, and is thankful to those who support our goals of providing the very best healthcare to the community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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