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Run for Type 1

Hayden Kelly

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Run for Type 1


Hi All,

I'm making a difference and running for a cause that's important to me. On Sunday 2nd April 2023 I will be running the Marathon (42.2km) in the City of Newcastle’s Festival of Running, ‘NewRun’ will help me raise funds for Type 1 Diabetes. Australia has one of the highest rates of Type 1 Diabetes in the world. Currently there is no cure and the condition cannot be prevented. I’d appreciate any donations, big or small to help me along my journey in contributing to this worthwhile cause. All donations $2 and above are tax deductible and you will automatically receive an emailed receipt!

The fundraising goal I have set in place for myself is $1,000, I am hoping I will be able to well exceed this amount in due time! 

Note: Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice Diabetes NSW & ACT.

For over 80 years, Diabetes NSW & ACT has delivered life-changing programs, services and crucial research into better treatments and a future cure for diabetes. No one should have to deal with diabetes alone.

Diabetes NSW & ACT’s vision is that people living with diabetes can be free from the complications of living with the disease. Your donations will help Diabetes NSW & ACT deliver services to tackle isolation, provide advocacy support as well as psychological care for our diabetes community.

Diabetes NSW & ACT Donor Funded Programs: 

Research: the search for a cure and ground-breaking study on type two remission.

DiaBuddies Days: helping children living with type 1 diabetes and their families, create connections to combat the isolation that many children experience when first diagnosed.

Policy and advocacy: Providing a voice to individuals and the diabetes community on issues of discrimination, isolation and access to services.

Campaigning: running campaigns during National Diabetes Week and World Diabetes Day to bust myths and misconceptions that can lead to stigma.

Psychologist on Call: providing free phone consultations with our in-house psychologist for people living with all types of diabetes.

Thank you so much for your support! It is greatly appreciated and will make an impact in the lives of those living with the condition. Helping us achieve our goal of enabling these individuals to live a life without the complications of Diabetes!

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Diabetes Australia

Diabetes Australia is the national body for people affected by all types of diabetes and those at risk. As a not for profit organisation, Diabetes Australia works with consumers, health professionals, and researchers. We are committed to reducing the impact of diabetes. Diabetes Australia's core focus areas are: people affected by all types of diabetes- this includes people with type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes, women with gestational diabetes, people with other forms of diabetes, their families and carers, and people at risk of developing diabetes. The Diabetes Australian Research Program supports and develops outstanding diabetes research in Australia. We do this by funding a range of grants across the full spectrum of diabetes research through a merit based, competitive, peer review process. Research projects can focus on prevention amd management of diabetes, as well as researching for a cure to diabetes.

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