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1/2 Marathon Row for Kate
1/2 Marathon Row for Kate
My Grandmother, Kate Rushton, was unfortunately diagnosed with dementia a few years ago. Her battle was prolonged and painful, and this year we sadly lost her after a very tough couple of months. Kate brought happiness to many people, and it was devastating to see her go for both my family and those who knew her.
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause, it means a lot to my family. Although the precise causes for dementia are still slightly ambiguous, it is irrefutable that lifestyle and physical health have a large impact on whether it develops in someone. For that reason, I thought it was appropriate to take on a physical challenge to raise funds for Dementia Australia. I will be completing a 1/2 marathon row on an ergometer. I'm not sure how fast I'll be able to do it, but I'll give it my best shot for her. No person or family should have to endure the pain that this illness brings.
More information about Dementia Australia. Dementia Australia is the peak charity for people living with dementia, their families and carers, delivering a wide range of activities, such as services, education, social research and policy submissions. The team delivered a number of community awareness events, education sessions, counselling sessions, living with dementia programs and via the National Dementia Helpline much-needed information, support and resources for people with dementia, carers, families and health professionals.
Challenge Completed. Thank you to everyone who made a donation to this cause.
Dementia Australia
Dementia Australia is a unified, national peak body for people, of all ages, living with all forms of dementia, and their families and carers. We provide advocacy, support services, education and information, as well as fundraise and facilitate research into dementia.
We aim to give people living with Dementia the respect they deserve and the support they need. We advocate to government and industry on behalf of people living with dementia, their carers and families and work hard to raise community awareness and understanding of dementia. Please visit www.dementia.org.au to access a wide range of resources and how to contact our National Dementia Helpline.
Community support through donations and sponsorship, as well as bequests, is vital to the continuation and growth of our work.
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