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Naomi Borowicz

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Hi there!

Easter Sunday 2021, after sienna woke up in the ICU at Sunshine Coast University Hospital one of the first things she said to me when she was stabilised was " I didn't get to eat any of my chocolates"...

Classic and true to sienna it was and will always be about the food, but a virus kicked off what would be the first day of the rest of her life as a Type 1 Diabetic.

As you can see in the first image that was her just after I got her to emergency in time, grey under the eyes, Sugar levels almost 30 and she was in severe DKA.. Diabetic Ketoacidosis.

The only warning signs were from the virus, and to this day I will never understand why a Dr can't take blood sugars when children are sick, it takes 5 sec and can save a whole lot of heartbreak and trauma.

It's been a wild 3 years, life changing 3 years and for a young girl going into highschool it was more than any child should ever have to bear.

We've been through it all, hormones kicking her sugars arse, specialists not listening, having to go over the heads of local paediatric and diabetic specialists to get the best care possible to now having an insulin pump full time.

In 3 months, her A1C went from being 9.1 ( start of pump) to her first A1C check up after receiving her pump to 7.1. If you know anything about diabetes, you would know how hard it is to control especially during puberty and between us we have worked hard to set her up for a future with better health outcomes.

So, whilst we have to carb count, meal plan, prep and sometimes guess what carbs are in food to get by this strong, beautiful and brave young woman has taught me more about resilience than I've ever had to experience in my own life in almost 40 years.

I have created our 25km walk from Bellmere to Mount Ngungun summit to raise awareness and funds to hopefully find a cure for this cruel disease.

join us and donate 

#eastersunday #diaversary #type1diabetes

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    Diabetes Australia

    Diabetes Australia is the national body for people affected by all types of diabetes and those at risk. As a not for profit organisation, Diabetes Australia works with consumers, health professionals, and researchers. We are committed to reducing the impact of diabetes. Diabetes Australia's core focus areas are: people affected by all types of diabetes- this includes people with type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes, women with gestational diabetes, people with other forms of diabetes, their families and carers, and people at risk of developing diabetes. The Diabetes Australian Research Program supports and develops outstanding diabetes research in Australia. We do this by funding a range of grants across the full spectrum of diabetes research through a merit based, competitive, peer review process. Research projects can focus on prevention amd management of diabetes, as well as researching for a cure to diabetes.

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