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Ben Mockridge
Ben Mockridge
Leaving from the Port Macquaire River Mouth I will be Paddling my SLSC MAL 30 Kilometres along the coastline back to Crescent Head to raise money for the charity Save Lives Donate Organs (SLDO) on Saturday December 1st.
The idea was to create a challenge that would push my mind and body. By choosing a charity it gave this idea a purpose and reason to see it through, driving me to train every day, doing it for something bigger than myself.
Something that can help others around me. Taking my love of the ocean and using it in the most positive way I can.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice, SLDO.
SLDO raises awareness of the need for organ donors in Australia and how to register, as well as raising money to provide financial grants to patients who have organ failure and are suffering financially as a consequence.
Thanks so much for your support everyone!
Save Lives Donate Organs Inc
SLDO is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to increasing awareness, education and, ultimately,the rate of organ and tissue donation in Australia.
Our mission
- raise public awareness of the benefits of organ and tissue donation;
- spread knowledge and information about organ and tissue donation to Australians to ensure they understand the process of becoming a registered organ donor;
- encourage choice around organ and tissue donation and to embrace the views of both those who chose to donate, or not donate, their organs and/or tissue;
- raise funds to provide financial support for those involved in the organ donation or organ transplant process, organ transplant surgery, or ongoing medical treatment.
Our Story
The idea for SLDO was started by Gold Coast local Brett Bullock who was diagnosed with chronic renal failure in his early 20’s and underwent a kidney transplant. Together with a few mates he saw a need to highlight the issues around organ donation in Australia.Save Lives Donate Organs was formed to start taking action and spreading awareness of the life saving benefits of organ donation that Australia is so far behind on. Our foundation members and management committee have all been a part of Brett’s journey in some way over the past few years and have been inspired by Brett’s humility in seeking to help others.We share a common goal and hope to have others join with us as we move towards it.
We aim to be a resource for people looking for the facts about organ and tissue donation in Australia and how to register their intent. Major policy changes in this area in recent years have led to widespread misconceptions about how to become a registered organ donor in Australia.