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Mooloolaba Triathlon
Mooloolaba Triathlon
I am an excellent triathlon spectator. I have supported my crazy husband at various events world wide, often with the children in tow... Enough with the spectating, time for doing!
I, Shona Bailey will be participating in the Mooloolaba Triathlon. The challenge will see me complete a 1.5km swim, 40km bike ride and a 10km run.
I have been training hard and am feeling fit, trapped nerve in left shoulder and neuroma in right foot aside (thought I had better get the excuses in early! Seriously though, it feels a bit like my engine's running well but my wheels have started to fall off! Is this what getting older's about?)
It would be marvellous if you would be kind enough to sponsor me. I am collecting money for Kenmore Park Kindergarten where Eleanor is a pupil. The Kindy would like to establish a new community room which will be used for parental support, playgoups etc.
When every part of me is hurting and I am questioning my own sanity, your support will help spur me on!
Kenmore Park Kindy
At Kenmore Park Preschool & Kindergarten, we believe that Early Childhood is a period of momentous significance; to be valued and enjoyed in it’s own right. We believe we share responsibility for helping children develop into young learners who will be caring about people and the environment. We value creativity and recognise learning as an adventure.
For more information please click here visit our website.
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