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Rickshaw Run January 2015
Rickshaw Run January 2015
Hi Everyone
We are 7 young, adventurous Australians setting off on the adventure of a life time... In January 2015 we will be driving a couple of rickshaws 3,500 kilometres through India, and we'll pretty much be left to our own devices! While we are trying to prepare for this epic journey of self discovery, driving a vehicle that we will only learn to conquer in the few days leading up to our departure, in a foreign country that is going to be a massive step out of our comfort zones, we are also endeavouring to raise awareness and funds for a couple of charities. For further information about the Rickshaw Run please see the following website (http://www.theadventurists.com/rickshaw).
The first charity, Cool Earth (www.coolearth.org), are dedicated to rainforest preservation and are the official charity of the Adventurists Rickshaw Run. We are aiming to raise the required 500 GBP for this charity.
The second charity is one that we have selected as a team, and one that most of us have had some exposure to this disease on a personal level; The Motor Neurone Disease Research Institute of Australia. As a team we are aiming to raise $10,000AUD for the MNDRIA.
So, what is MND? MND is a progressive, terminal neurological disease. Motor function is controlled by the upper motor neurones in the brain that descend to the spinal cord; these neurones activate lower motor neurones. The lower motor neurones exit the spinal cord and directly activate muscles. With no nerves to activate them, muscles gradually weaken and waste. MND can affect a person’s ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe, whilst their mind and senses usually remain intact. There is no cure or standard treatment for MND. The average life expectancy from diagnosis is 27 months. Symptomatic and supportive treatment can help people be more comfortable while maintaining their quality of life. Each day in Australia two people die from MND. Each day in Australia two people are diagnosed with MND.
For more information on the brilliant work that MNDRIA are facilitating, follow the link: http://www.mndaust.asn.au/Discover-our-research.aspx
There has recently been great exposure on social media with the Ice Bucket Challenge and ALS in the USA. ALS is better known in Australia and the UK as MND. For our fundraising contributions, we will be running several fundraising events in both Rockhampton and Bendigo in the coming months which we would appreciate your support in, otherwise you can simply donate via this page! Check out our facebook page for more details, and to follow the progress of our journey in January!
We greatly appreciate your support in our fundraising journey.
Motor Neurone Disease Research Australia
MND Research Australia funds projects led by Australia’s leading MND researchers. By supporting MNDRA you are sparking new discoveries and ideas to defeat MND by funding new research projects that aim to understand the causes, develop effective treatments, and one day find a cure.
It is only with research that the future of MND will change. Together we will defeat MND.
Information about MND research at www.mndresearch.org.au
More information about MND at www.mndaustralia.org.au
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