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Shaving my head for MND

Renuka Nicail

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Shaving my head for MND



Motor neurone disease (MND) is the name given to a group of diseases in which the nerve cells (neurones) controlling the muscles that enable us to move around, speak, swallow and breathe fail to work normally. With no nerves to activate them the muscles gradually weaken and waste until the body fails. While some people can live a long time with MND, the average life expectancy is 2 to 3 years from diagnosis.  There is still no known cause or cure for this devastating disease and treatment options are very limited. There are no remissions.


MND is not a disease of ageing and can affect adults at any age. Men are affected slightly more often than women. This disease strikes at random, however about 5 to 10% of cases are inherited (familial).


In the hope that one day in my lifetime there will be a cure for those living with this disease, I will be raising money for the Motor Neurone Disease Institute of Australia by giving what I can, and shaving my head on November 2nd, 2013. All money raised will be donated directly to the Research Department.


I do this for my dear friend, whose family has dealt with the devastating effects of this disease, and for those individuals and their families who live with MND today.


Any contribution would be greatly appreciated, big or small, and donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly to the charity. For more information on MND please visit


Thank you for your contribution.


Renuka Nicail

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Motor Neurone Disease Research Australia

MND Research Australia funds projects led by Australia’s leading MND researchers. By supporting MNDRA you are sparking new discoveries and ideas to defeat MND by funding new research projects that aim to understand the causes, develop effective treatments, and one day find a cure. 

It is only with research that the future of MND will change. Together we will defeat MND. 

Information about MND research at            

More information about MND at

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